Oanh Nguyen

Professional Coach, Becoming Whole Journey

Motivation and Development | Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Wellbeing, Coaching

Oanh Nguyen


Oanh believes in people’s potential and  understands that creating a career that align with your purpose and make an impact on people is a great part in life. Therefore, she loves partnering with leaders in different stages in their careers and support them in unlocking their inner wisdom, so they can boost their performance, empower their team, and make a sustainable transformation in their careers. 

She finds out that coaching is most effective when we can look deeply and openly not only into the leadership challenges but also create the solutions and posibilities. Thus, her role is to hold a safe space to help leaders connect with their inner self, uncover their understanding about themselves and offer a framework for solution-focused thinking and accountability. 

Oanh is an ICF ACC credential coach and has many years of working experience in Human Resources field in various industries such as IT, manufacturing, FMCG…

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